📄️ Menuconfig
To edit the application Kconfig using menuconfig (curses-based interface that runs in the terminal), go to the "Applications" view, right-click on the application > Configure > Menuconfig.
📄️ GUI Config
To edit the application Kconfig using guiconfig (graphical configuration interface), go to the "Applications" view, right-click on the application > Configure > GUI Config.
📄️ Change board
To change the application target board, right-click on the application > Configure > Change Board.
📄️ Harden Config
Run the hardening tool to analyze the application configuration against a set of hardening preferences defined by the Security Working Group.
📄️ Change West Workspace
To change the parent west workspace, right-click on the application > Configure > Change West Workspace.
📄️ Change pristine build option
The pristine build mode indicated if the build folder must be clean before each build.