West Workspace
The West Workspace is a folder with the .west subdirectory and west manifest repository in it. It indicates to location to clone the Zephyr sources as well as the module and application projects. The West Workspace is created using west init and populated using west update.
For more information about west workspaces and its topology, please refer the Zephyr Project documentation.
Import West Workspace
To import a new "West Workspace", click on the "New West Workspace" button or the "Initialize workspace" button
Source location:
Minimal from template: Import the west workspace from internal templates provided by Zephyr Workbench. The sources are fetched from repositories.
- Most of the time, you won't need to change the Path value. It indicated the parent URL where every Zephyr related repositories are.
- Select which base template you need
- Select the version
- Enter the location with the name of the west-workspace (eg. /home/user/workdir/westworkspace/zephyr-v3.7.0)
Repository: Clone Zephyr and its every modules
- Enter the URL of the Zephyr repository (by default, it is set to https://github.com/zephyrproject-rtos/zephyr)
- Select the version
- Enter the location with the name of the west-workspace
Local folder: Import a local Wesk Workspace that has already been initialized and updated
Local manifest: Import a west workspace using your own manifest file Enter the location with the name of the west-workspace
The import process runs west init and update to get the sources
If you might experience issue while importing from Repository with python error PermissionError: [WinError 5] Access is denied
the case happens when VS Code locks the working directory.
The workaround is to close VS Code, init the west workspace manually using west init -m <zephyr_repo_url> --mr <version> <dest_dir>
then import the initialize directory into Zephyr Workbench.
Manage West Workspace
After importing a West Workspace, it appears in the WEST WORKSPACES panel on the left. The folder is also added to your VS Code multi-root workspace to access to the sources.
In the WEST WORKSPACES panel, you can:
- Update: Run west update command on the selected west workspace.
- Delete from Disk: Permanently delete the SDK folder from your system (this action is irreversible).
- Open Terminal: Open a terminal instance with the build environment and the environment variables
- Edit variables: On the west workspace, you can set the ARCH_ROOT, SOC_ROOT, BOARD_ROOT and DTS_ROOT variables to customize the
the target definition location. Click on the [+] icon to add a value. The environment variable are stored in the
of your west workspace folder.